Applied Flow Technology Titan v3.0.2009.08.27 英文正式版(管道系統優化軟體)
AFT Fathom 7.0 provides comprehensive,
incompressible pipe flow analysis and system
modeling capabilities combined with ease-of-use.
Addressing open and closed loop systems, AFT Fathom
includes a built-in library of fluids and fittings,
variable model configurations, pump and control
valve modeling and much more. With the optional
Chempak add-in, a thermo-physical database of over
600 fluids is available to further expand the
envelope of your analysis and design. AFT Fathom
goes beyond the boundaries of traditional pipe flow
analysis, with thermal analysis capabilities
including piping heat transfer, heat exchanger
modeling and varying fluid properties.
Applied Flow Technology Titan v3.0.2009.08.27 英文正式版(管道系統優化軟體)
Applied Flow Technology Fathom v7.0.2009.11.02 英文正式版(管道系統優化軟體)
Applied Flow Technology Fathom v7.0.2009.08.18 英文正式版(管道系統優化軟體)
Applied Flow Technology Fathom v7.0.2009.08.18 英文正式版(管道系統優化軟體)
InfoWorks Technology RegDoctor v1.98 英文正式版(註冊表修復軟體)
InfoWorks Technology History Sweeper v3.26 英文正式版(註冊表修復軟體)
Titan Backup v2.5.0.116 英文正式版(文件加密軟體)